Tuesday 9 August 2016

The Naked Attraction

The Naked Attraction is a minefield of a show and I've absolutely no idea what to make of it. Culturally speaking I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing for television, dating, society, men, women or anyting else for that matter. Not that anyone would actually listen if I could.

It is, however, a great opportunity to see folk in the scud that you wouldn't normally have had the opportunity to. That's the attraction of the show (pardon the pun), the free pass for everyone sitting on the sofa to have a gander at whatever Channel 4 have served up for your viewing pleasure. Big knobs, wee cocks, shapely breasts, big tits, labia, scrotums, nipples, the whole shooting match. Only the people with a thing for bleached arseholes or otherwise miss out.

I understand the premise of the show, you strip away everything until all you're left with is a physical attraction and a desire to fuck the naked person standing opposite you with none of the other things that make us reject potential partners getting in the way. Which is fine but no relationship will ever be sustained that way because it removes the key element that can often see two people bumping uglies  - a decent bit of chat. Yeah, Channel 4 get them dressed and send them all on a date to the same bar they sent all the other 'couples' to but the only way any actual fucking is taking place is if these people get along.

Maybe it's the enforced nakedness causing some nerves, maybe it's the cameras leaving people tongue-tied but some of the chat on offer doesn't leave me with a lot of room left to wonder why these people have resorted to enforced nakedness to try and get their Nat King Cole. What's the last of your last resorts, folks? Payment?

Tracy, a mother of two and 'contestant' on the show, hasn't been in a relationship for three years and described the dimensions of her vagina as being a bit of a jam jar. I don't care what you look like (blonde, pretty, nice smile), how fake your tits are (credit to her surgeon, good job) or how big or small your vagina is (strawberry preserve apparently), if I'd been one of the two well hung gentlemen she'd whittled her choice of a date down to, I'd have simply walked the fuck off the show because that sort of chat is absolutely brutal and I wouldn't want to put my cock anywhere near her (from a visual point of view) self-described "beef sandwich".