Thursday 5 January 2017

Happy Birthday, Lewis Stevenson

The first time I remember seeing you in a Hibs shirt was when John Collins sent you on as a second half substitute against St Johnstone in the Scottish League Cup Semi-Final on 31st January 2007.

You'd played for Hibs before that but your ability, versatility and work ethic would help lay the foundations that would cement you into Hibernian folklore as the only Hibernian player to lift the Scottish League Cup and Scottish Cup.

You're painfully shy and public speaking isn't your forté but you're incredibly well thought of by your team-mates as evidenced by the fact that you are surrounded by them and receive a standing ovation from the crowd on the odd occasion you score - credit where it's due by the way, I haven't seen you score a tap in.

At 29 years young it's been my long held belief that a footballer of your age is at the peak of his abilities. I don't know why this is exactly, it's just one of those things that gets handed down and assumed as fact such as The Great Wall of China being the only man made object visible from space. Perhaps there is some truth in it from the point of view that while you will undoubtedly continue to learn as a footballer, it'll just get that little bit harder for you to the respond to the physical and psychological demands that the game will place upon you.

Advances in medical science, diet, lifestyle and surgical techniques mean athletes are performing at the peak of their abilities for longer and to the best of my knowledge you haven't spent a great deal of time on the treatment table so if you manage to avoid serious injury and keep the heid doon, I reckon you'll be good for another 6 years. I wouldn't want to see anyone else occupying that left back position at Easter Road in the meantime.

Happy Birthday, Lewis. Don't ever change.

With all my love, Wild Bill.