Sunday 8 November 2015

Shopping trip

Was in Lidl earlier for a couple of bottles of Crabbie's Ginger Beer and vanilla essence and ended up coming away with pretzel rolls, bananas, cashews and chocolate chips as well. The cashews at 95p per 100g were the most expensive item and it turns out that two large scoops is about 469g. Much cheaper than cocaine but not nearly as good a night in (so I'm told).

I've got a really bad habit in supermarkets of looking at what people are buying because it allows me to imagine the kind of lives they lead. I observed a guy recently who bought two 100g bars of chocolate, two bags of kettle chips, two bottles of pepsi max, two french sticks and a single punnet of cherry tomatoes so I imagine he was single, a virgin, probably an internet troll and if not diabetic now it was definitely in the post.

I got to the checkout and started loading up my essentials and impulse buys when I notice the woman ahead of me is midway through packing her shopping so I discreetly had a look at what was in her trolley; milk, bread, cleaning products, small boy of around 7 years old, carrots, pizza....what the fuck, a small boy of around 7 years old? She must have got the last one because I didn't see them anywhere.

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