Saturday 4 July 2015

Gregg's Macaroni Pies - No sympathy

I have zero sympathy for people who are unhappy at Gregg's doing away with their macaroni pies because Gregg's have been doing this to me for years and not one of you thought to start a petition to save the maple and pecan swirl, the caramel and pecan shortcake (there's a pecan pattern developing here) or the third thing whose removal upset me - not enough to remember what it was but enough to remain bitter about.

With all that being said, allow me to paraphrase Martin Niemöller here...

First they came for the caramel and pecan shortcake, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not like caramel and pecan shortcake.

Then they came for the maple and pecan swirls, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not like maple and pecan swirls.

Then they came for something else, and I did not speak out—
Because I didn't know what it was.

Then they came for the macaroni pies —and there was no one left to speak for me.

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