Thursday 30 July 2015

The knock at the door

So I'm standing in the kitchen after getting home from work and I've just dunked a chocolate digestive in a cup of tea when there's a knock at the door.

My door never goes. Well, not never, but rare enough that it's the next best thing.

I open the door with the nearly finished biscuit still in my hand and discover a woman standing there with a clipboard and automatically I'm thinking "charity" while preparing my excuses for not signing up to a regular direct debit.

"Mrs Thompson?" she asks in a strangely quiet voice and I'm thrown for a second while I try to remember if that's the same person that Scottish Power have been sending bills to at my address.

It takes me a second but I realise I'm in the clear at least as much as Scottish Power are concerned so I say "Yes, I'm Mrs Thompson..." and look at her quizically for just long enough to be awkward for her before saying "Nah, I'm just fucking with you, there's no-one here by that name!".

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