Thursday 29 October 2015

One liners

There's a guy at my work who was prescribed codeine for a cough that he'd developed along with his cold. The doctor said "One of the side affects of taking this medicine is constipation". The guy from my work replied "As long as I get a full nights sleep I couldn't give a shit".

I was talking to my fiancée the other morning and we were discussing the boiled eggs we'd been taking to work with us for our lunch. She said "Have you noticed they leave you quite full?" and I said "Well, when you think about it, you're eating a whole chicken".

And I was talking to a girl at work today about films and games and comic books, how I'm going to the Fallout 4 midnight launch and I'm really excited to have learned that Deadpool will be shown on IMAX. She told me she loved The Big Bang Theory and recently visited Forbidden Planet where she discovered comic book stores were much like what she'd seend on TV. I agreed with her and said "Yeah, you'd be surprised at the number of sterotypically socially awkward nerds that go there...and that's just me".

Only one of these got a laugh; can you guess which one?

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at all 3. Whole chicken was my fav though haha
